Authorized Security

Where can you point surveillance cameras?

Where to legally point cameras and where not to, let's clear up the most frequent question.

The questions of where to point a surveillance camera and where not to was born the day video surveillance was invented. The issue of privacy versus security is constantly being evaluated and it seems that everyone has a different viewpoint on the issue.

A very real question really is, where can you point surveillance cameras to get proper coverage without compromising privacy?

The Laws

There are laws, depending on where you are located, various laws will prevent the disturbance of privacy in certain areas. Whether it is bathrooms, changing rooms or other intimate areas, there are laws that prohibit the installation of video cameras in these areas. There are a few other rules that may come into play depending on the area that you are trying to monitor, but generally cameras can be installed everywhere. If you are planning on installing cameras, you should always work with a security integrator on the solution and they will know the laws, if they are a reputable company. We would be more than happy to help you with your install and ensuring that your cameras are installed within the confines of the law.

The Neighbour’s Yard Situation

On a regular basis there are news reports of people flying drones over their neighbours’ properties, having cameras aimed at their backyard, alley or the coverage may spill into covering a neighbour’s property. In general, when installing cameras in a residential area, we recommend you check with your neighbours and inform them that you are installing video cameras. Most neighbors will actually appreciate the fact that you are installing surveillance cameras, and will be happy to get some coverage of their property should anything ever happen. Some neighbors may not be as happy, but that can be solved with a feature in cameras called privacy mask.

Privacy masking was initially developed to help with the surveillance of offices or other private areas, where people should not be monitored when at their desk. However, what happens around the office may still need to be recorded. The feature essentially places a black mask over the area that should not be seen, so there are no violations to privacy laws. The same thing can be done if your neighbour is extremely concerned about privacy. Pointing a surveillance camera right into the yards next to you will always be a source for controversy and arguments. Unless you really want to spy on the activities of others and feel as though you are up for a fight with them, we recommend to cover your property as good as you can, and lose as little of your property line as possible.

Pointing Cameras

Pointing cameras in the right direction can be a very tricky task. We again recommend working with a security systems integrator, such as ourselves to get the right camera for the task. It’s not just about having the camera pointed in the right direction, but also about the lens and resolution the camera has. Calculating the correct lens for the camera is done by finding all the distances of the location and finding out what you want to see. We have an article here about surveillance kits and why it is an issue to install generic cameras included in those types of packages. Pointing the cameras themselves also needs to be carefully considered in order to abide by privacy laws, but also to ensure that you will capture everything that you want to see. With the necessary experience for correctly quoting and installing the cameras, we can ensure that your cameras are pointed the right way and that you have the correct camera for the job.

Get in Touch

The Authorized team can help you determine the best surveillance package for your property without affecting those who live next to you. Get the right cameras for the job, instead of buying generic cameras and hoping they will work for your application. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. You can call us at any time at (403) 477-4800 or email us at

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