Is your Bar or Restaurant ready for the 4K Revolution?

 In Product News, Video

With the ever changing technology landscape, new trends are around the corner wherever you look. 4K is a fairly new technology, that will be requested more and more by patrons wanting to watch sports in Ultra HD while enjoying a cold one. The switch to 4K is not as easy as going to an electronics retailer and buying a new TV. We are here to help explain what the hype is, what is needed and how we can help you be ready for the 4K revolution.

What is 4K?

When HD TV first was released, the format was 1080p. This means that there are 1080 Pixels vertically on the screen. HD promised a better resolution than standard television and allowed for clearer images, more vibrant colors and more. 4K is the step up from 1080p. 4K packs 4 times the resolution of 1080p, hence the name. With that type of resolution images appear crisper, colors more vibrant and movement is much smoother. All that is part of the reason why many patrons are asking for content to be streamed in 4K definition. Television programming is switching to 4K and more and more content is available in the Ultra HD mode. Getting ahead of the curve is important to ensure the competitive edge of your establishment.

What all is needed to switch to 4K?

Ultra HD, as the name suggests, packs much more data into every frame than 1080p. As a result, all wiring has to be able to support it. Sources, such as DVD players, satellite boxes and more, all need to be able to output 4K content, otherwise, it won’t show up as 4K. The problem that arises is that the switch to 4K is not as easy as simply buying a new TV and swapping it with the old one. It has to be much more thought out and prepared. Timing is extremely important, and without the right plan, the switch can be very costly. But in short, depending on what is already on site, most wiring and hardware will have to be upgraded for the switch to 4K to be successful. Let’s find out how we can help

How can Authorized Security help?

Running a business is already enough stress, having to worry about building the right TV setup for your bar or restaurant should not be something you should have to worry about. We make sure that the switch to 4K will be as smooth and easy for you as possible. With major manufacturers such as LG, Samsung, NEC and more at our fingertips, we can make sure to get the right TV to get the job done. We can also upgrade all the wiring infrastructure to the newest standards and ensure that your content can be delivered to the TV. Lastly, we also have access to 4K content devices, such as DVD players, streaming boxes and more. We can also call your cable TV provider for you to ensure you are receiving the most for your monthly payments and that your content from the provider is actually provided at the desired resolution

We have the right technology and very knowledgeable technicians and sales staff to ensure your system is designed perfectly and will last you a long time. We have recently also formed a partnership with Elan. Elan is an automation manufacturer, that can closely integrate into your bars or restaurants multimedia infrastructure. Managing all TV’s and audio with the touch of a button is no longer a thing of the past, and absolutely minimizes the headaches that technology will cause for your establishment.

Get in Touch

As always, we are ready to help when you need us. Whether you want to trial a new 4K TV or want to switch out your entire location for new equipment, we can help. Simply contact us at 1-844-230-2730 or email us at [email protected]

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