Elevators are the heart of the building and need to be protected properly, start with access control solutions from Authorized Security

Elevators are the heart and soul of your building, securing your floors is important.

Elevators are the central access point for many buildings. Most floors can be accessed with just the press of a button without any authentication steps taken for the person accessing the building. We can

Biometric access control eliminates the possible risk for intruders due to lost keys or access cards.

Floor Access Privileges

Regardless if you have a multi tenant building or a larger corporate building, most people only need access to a specific floor. With elevator access control this can be provided. By creating access privileges, specific users may only travel to a set floor or set of floors. It can also be adjusted that people are allowed to access during business hours, but not after hours. All this can be done with elevator access control. The same can be created in tenant buildings, allowing every tenant access to their floor only. Giving you more control over your building security.

See who enters and exits your premises, beyond just names. With our access control video solutions you are able to visually verify every persons identity.

Design Considerations

While elevator security is a great solution for building security, there are many things that have to be taken into account when designing it. Elevator etiquette is a much researched topic and unfortunately the etiquette oftentimes trumps the concept of security. As such people may scan their card to allow intruders access and more. We have design experts that will ensure your solution is as secure as possible. Furthermore we also offer security seminars to provide you and your staff with the knowledge needed for best security within your premises.

High Security areas need the proper equipment and expertise. We can help with your project.

Ease of Use & Better Security

Elevator access control is an easy way to ensure the security of a building, while still making it easy for the end user. Many security solutions can be hard to use or understand. This oftentimes results in the end user becoming frustrated and either circumventing it or not using it at all. Our goal is to provide the best security solutions for your business, while making them also easy to use. As such you are able to simply arm your system, or scan your card, and rest assured that everything is working just as it should. We aim to make security simple and effective.

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