Access Control solutions benefit every business and organization. We can help with your project.

Convenient and Flexible Automation Solutions for Business and Residential

Automation solutions are far more than just controlling lights from a central interface. Authorized Security is partnered with ELAN Systems, a leader in the automation world. With ELAN’s platform the automation of lighting, Multimedia, HVAC and more is made extremely simple and intuitive. ELAN integrates into existing systems and allows for the automation of all your daily routines via touchscreens, tablets or smartphones. ELAN’s g! platform is one of the most stable and popular platforms in the automation world. The customizability of the platform allows for the systems to be used in both residential and commercial environments. ELAN also allows for advanced tracking of energy usage and automates tasks that will save more energy down the road, making it a very cost effective solution that will help you add to your bottom line.



How nice would it be to have daily tasks automated? With our automation options, everything from lighting, security, multimedia, HVAC and more can be automated through a single interface. From automatic lawn irrigation to lighting schedules and door schedules, everything can be configured with our automation solutions. We are partnered with a variety of supported manufacturers that can tie right into the automation system, to provide a seamless and easy interface for your every day tasks. ELAN’s integration options don’t just end at video and audio. ELAN supports automation for security, irrigation, lighting, pools, HVAC, Video surveillance and more.



Everyone knows the sight of the bartender pointing a remote at an array of TV’s and some change channels while others don’t. The issue with this method is that it is time consuming, difficult with patrons in the way, and ineffective as it usually takes many tries to get the right channel onto the right TV. With ELAN, that scene is a thing of the past. Through the intuitive user interface, a single press of a button will trigger the exact TV(s) to change channel and business can commence from there. Not only will ELAN make multimedia usage much easier, but it also allows for dynamic usage of your audio zones, providing sound in all zones, a single zone or select zones, again at the touch of a button.



Instead of days or weeks, depending on the data volume that you keep, we are talking minutes. If your server crashes, it barely gives your employees an excuse to go get a coffee, because the entire office will be back up and running before they can brew some coffee. Your entire server will be running on a local machine, while we are restoring your original server back to its top form. Hardware failures are never fun, but with our solutions we can make sure you don’t have much to worry about. Get in touch with us today and find out how easy it is to get a backup solution set up for your business.

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